Bamboo, Rattan Traders Look for New Markets

Myanmar is seeking new markets to export bamboo, rattan, and other forestry products to new markets, according to the Myanmar Bamboo and Rattan Association.
The association aims to export to New Zealand, Canada, Korea, South Africa, Argentina and Colombia, U Kyaw Thu, chairman of the association, told Myanmar Business Today.

“To export to new markets, officials from the association have gone to exhibitions and sought to penetrate foreign markets,” he said.
Finished goods from bamboo and rattan can also be produced using materials from around the country and exported, he added.
Current export products in this category include dyes, seasonings, spices and jute fibers, while the main importers from Myanmar are India and China.
If Myanmar can find new markets, these goods will fetch higher prices than India or China would pay, said U Kyaw Thu.