Myanmar Shipyard Enterprise to Build 30 Cargo Ships

Wai Linn Kyaw/MBT
Myanmar Shipyard Enterprise (MSE) said it has entered into an agreement with Bravely Myanmar Transport & Logistics Co Ltd to build thirty cargo ships.
These ships will be built for transport freight along the Ayeyarwaddy river, MSE announced.
The state-run enterprise said that these 30 cargo ships include containers, vessels, general cargo vessels and tankers. Each ship will weigh 1,500 tonnes.

“This ship construction project is in partnership with a Vietnamese-backed company and this is our first joint venture with a Vietnamese firm. We plan to carry out more marine projects later,” an official from Myanmar Shipyard Enterprise said.
“Depending on the structure of a cargo ship prices can vary from $700,000 to $1 million. The construction of ships will be finished within two years,” he added.
The investment of Myanmar Shipyard Enterprise for the project will be $175 million, according to an official announcement. 

From:Myanmar Business Today